born in Potsdam
1976 accident with the consequence of being
1978 first attempts of painting with the
1980 painting-lessons by the artist Hans
1986 support in art by the painter and graphic
Herbert Sander
1986-1992 scholarshiip of the Association
of Mouth- and
Footpainters Worldwide (VDMFK)
1988/1989 documentary by Gitta Nickel "Den
Wind auf der Haut
spuren" (feeling the wind on the skin)
1992 autobiography "Die Kraft in mir"
(the power inside of me),
published by Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag
since 1995 member of VDMFK
2000 medal lending "Bundesverdienstkreuz
am Bande"
was not born as an artist - who claims about
himself the contrary? - Of course there
was a little talent hidden as a genetical
sequence sleeping in my DNA while I was
laying in my cradle and the "lovely"
relatives said rather normal things like
"Gutschi - Gutschi, what a lovely baby..."
while examining me. But what did an intelligent
man say? That talent is necessary only to
10 percent, and the rest is hard work and
In my first life, the time before my accident,
when I used to stand up on my own feet (and
not wheels), I did not make use of my talent.
It was just sleeping (may be to hold back
it for later). I was tall and strong and
was able to let the other students get to
know that in some fights.
Moreover I was a quiet normal guy. I liked
sport but did not spend my whole time with
it. I refused to let my brain being overworked
and enjoyed my puberty. Painting was so
boring at that time and my teacher of art
was old and knew that there were just some
years until he would stop working. Maybe
it was a kind of punishment for him to teach
us. I believe he did not care about us just
like we didn't care about his lessons. Additionally
I have to admit, that without marks I never
would have taken away my feet from the table.
But from time to time I was painting. My
"careless" teacher liked those
paintings. Nowhere else it was so easy to
get good marks in school. My artistic talent
woke up from time to time.
But everything stopped when I was at the
age of 15. This was the time when my second
life began. Because of an accident I fractured
my throat and an ice age began for the next
decade. Since then I was not able to move
my body - and because of this I lost the
ability to use my brain - there was no longer
any necessity for using it. I was falling
in isolation and lived just because I was
existing. Others used their brain for me.
Yes, I had little efforts in this time (for
instance I learned to do many things with
my mouth, had lessons of painting and finished
my apprenticeship as a translator of Japanese
language. But I guess that this time was
necessary to grow up and to realize many
Painting was first just a kind of a therapy
for doing something, just anything. Nothing
satisfying and without emotions. But then
my talent woke up slowly - finally - and
together with the technical school, that
gave me three teachers, my paintings achieved
a new quality. I started to believe in the
brushes and colors like in friends and trusted
them. Now I had found a way to express my
pain, my feelings, emotions and thoughts.
The first time after this time I had the
possibility to express myself. Painting
became the most important part of my life.
It was a kind of physical and mental food.
Now and not earlier I could accept my unmovable
body. In 1986 I applied for a scholarship
at the Worldwide Union of Mouth - and Footpainting
Artists. This powerful organization (now
I am a member of it) gives me the social
safety I need for expressing my talent.
But I want to reach more. More quality in
my paintings, more tolerance towards the
paintings of people with disabilities, because
those paintings are not more or less valuable
than those of "normal" painters.
There is just good or bad art.
Nothing else. I wanna establish myself in
the scene of artists and I want to go on
in order to keep my talent awake.
I hope that the way I'm going is endless,
because a visuable aim is my engine to go
on. The things I've got and achieved make
me lazy. Many people helped me in an important
way being important for me. The most important
people were and are - of course - my parents.
They were with me the whole time and helped
me every day to continue with my life. And
I'm sure they will help me until the end
of their life. I thank them and owe them
much. They gave me more I'm able to give
This way I thank everyone supporting me.
Kahlau, 1995