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(The Pole or Load Star, a Guiding Star)

Justice, Altruism, Self - Sacrifice, following a Chosen Path and keeping faith even in dark times

Tiwaz who is identified as the Pole or Load -Star and sometimes called the Spirit Warrior is the constant pointer in the Northern Skies. Tyr or the God Tiw is the Norse god who symbolically presided over the Germanic General assembly and over all matters of justice. Tyr is also the God of War because justice was sometimes settled by combat or even full-scale battle. It was believed that Odin and Tyr would allow the `just cause ‘ to win.

In the Norse and Icelandic poems Tyr is called the one-handed god, referring to the sacrifice he made of his most precious gift, his sword hand to bind Fenris Wolf, a legend mention in Fehu, the rune of the price. This, even more than Odin’s sacrifice of his eye to obtain wisdom, was not for personal gain but for his fellow gods, as he was warned that the wolf would kill his father Odin and so it is the altruistic aspect of the rune, one of the noblest of the concepts in the Northern world, is the runes’ guiding principle.

The one-eyed Odin and the one-armed Tyr with his magical sword were seen as embracing imperfection that they might gain greater glory.