in the landscapes of students of Fine
art department.// Philisophy of the
childhood and problems of modern city.
Materials of IX International conference
«Child in the modern world. Children
and city». – Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg
Technical University Publishing House,
2002. – P. 161-162.
2. V. Achunov crosses collection.//
Art image and pedagogical process.
– Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg
Herzen University Publishing House,
2003. – P. 61-66.
3.Museum of cross. V. Akchunov collection.
– Saint-Petersburg, Politechnica-Service
Publishing, 2003.
4.Tipological approach in stavrography.//
Art education. Maintenance and methods
of teaching. – Saint-Petersburg, 2004.
- P. 101-112.
5.Stavrography in the context of the
course «Russian medieval art».//Modern
concepts of University education.
- Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg
Herzen University Publishing House.
– P. 344-347.
6.. Crosses: dating and attribution.//Antiquariat,
objects of art and collection, October,
2004. – P. 88-93.
7.Tipological method in stavrography.//
Traditions of Russian art school and
modern pedagogical process. Part 1.
– Saint-Petersburg, 2005. – P. 92-104.
8.Ludmila Botcharnicova: life and
creation (1950-2005).// Àlmanac. Part
3. – Saint-Petersburg, 2006. – P.
9.Teaching of the course «History
of Saint-Petersburg» and it`s role
in forming ideal of the modern institute.//
Educational strategies of the crossing
period. - Saint-Petersburg, 2008.
- P. 90-95.
10.Crosses as a special view of the
ancient Russian Christian plastic.//
Guard of cultural values: Petersburg`s
traditions. – Saint-Petersburg, 2009.
– P. 369-372.
11.Potencial of Saint-Petersburg and
life perspectives of young Peterburg`s
people.// Educational strategies of
the crossing period. - Saint-Petersburg,
2009. - P. 198-205.
12.Especiallists of teaching history
of ornament for design students.//
Media, democracy, market in the modern
society. - Saint-Petersburg, 2009.
13.Impression about Russian North.
// Carelia. ¹2, 2010. – P. 82-96.
(On Finnish).
14.From an experience of teaching
history of ornament for design students.//
Fashion and design. - Saint-Petersburg,
2010. - P. 452-458.
15.Artists of Tosno land.// Tosno
land. Fine art and poetry. - Saint-Petersburg,
2010. - P. 8-9.
16.For remember Ludmila Botcharnicova.//
Artist of Petersburg. - 2010. - ¹16.-
P. 13.
17.Art of silkscreen. Review to A.
Parygin`s books.// Herald of University
of technology and design.- ¹1. - 2011.
- P. 70-72.
18.About exhibition «Islam in art».
// Light. - 2011. - ¹6-7. - P. 4.
19.About realist direction and genre
muchfigures painting on exhibition
«Native land». // Copper rider. .-
¹4. - 2011. - P. 60-63.
20.Crosses and enamels of Ludmila
Vaneva. // Copper rider. .- ¹4. -
2011. - P. 79-81.
21.About my painting «Karelian woman.
Three ages».// Copper rider. .- ¹4.
- 2011. - P. 75.
22.Symbol of cross in the world culture.
// History and theory of art and art
critic in XXI ñentury. - Saint-Petersburg,
2012. - P. 107-118.
23.Word about my Teacher. // History
and theory of art and art critic in
XXI ñentury. - Saint-Petersburg, 2012.
- P. 100-101.
24.Sing of native land. // Light.
– 2012. - ¹ 2-3. - P. 3. (with R.
25.Ludmila Botcharnicova - artist
and painter.// History and theory
of art and art critic in XXI ñentury.
Saint-Petersburg (in print).
26.Impression about N. Feshin exhibition
in Russian museum.// Light. – 2012.
- ¹4-5. – Ñ. 8.
27.Ludmila Botcharnicova (1950-2005).
Life and creation. Album. Saint-Petersburg
(in print).
28.Science and pedagogical school
of professor N. Yakovleva.
29.Academic painting. Benefit. - Saint-Petersburg,
30.Academic drawing. Benefit. Saint-Petersburg
(in print). |